Belly Rub Farms * Loomis * CA


Ginger and Snuffles are our two newest additions to the farm. They are Kunu Kune pigs, originally from New Zealand. Although shy at first, within a day or so of getting fodder and acorn treats hand fed to them, they now follow us from the barn to the garden and pastures, and back to the barn at night. They are as docile a breed as the books say. We are hoping for babies from Ginger later this spring. Kune's are natural grazers, and our new couple have both been breed to have good weight gain and excellent meat quality from grazing pasture alone.

VIDEO: Ginger and Snuffles first experience with Fodder... up until now, they had only experienced pasture grass and pellets.

A shot of Ginger and Snuffles loaded into the truck. After checking out their space, they settled down for the long drive home.

Ginger on the ride home...smiling already!

Ginger is ready to get out and explore her new home.

To help settle them in, fresh pasture grass was brought into their new barn... a little room service makes anyone feel better, right?

Our pasture is still too wet, so we let Ginger and Snuffles entertain themselves in the garden. So many new things to try - chard, arugula, chickweed. They like it all, but their favorite is still acorns!

After exploring the garden, both took a nap in the dappled light below the oak tree.

Daisy is our next addition to our porcine family. She is a one year old American Guinea Hog, and we are excited about bringing her home soon!